Located in Syracuse NY. We are a family owned and operated business
Custom - Portable - Wooden Display Racks
Colored Acrylic Letters
Colored Acrylic Letters
Colored Acrylic Letters
Colored Acrylic Letters
Colored Acrylic Letters
Colored Acrylic Letters

Wooden Letters - Colored Acrylic Letters

product details

Enm Crafts provides Letters, Numbers and any design from vector files.

Is Plexiglass Cast Acrylic?
Generally speaking, when someone is referring to plexiglass they mean “clear acrylic.”

Colored cast acrylic sheets can be purchased in a range of colors, tints, tones, and sizes. They are moisture resistant and quite impact resistant despite their lightweight properties. Compared to extruded acrylic, cast acrylic has a higher molecular weight.



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